Coronavirus Update

December 29, 2023 12:00 PM (Noon)

Statistics, based on test date, are as follows:


Testing Positive Within Last 24 Hours: 0

Testing Positive Within Last 72 Hours: 0

 1Testing Positive Within Last 14 Days: 0


Number of Residents Testing Positive Within Last 14 Days

 E1 (Rooms 101-127): 0

E2 (Rooms 201-227): 0

 W1 (Rooms 136-148): 0

 W2 (Rooms 230-259): 0

BV (Rooms 281-289): 0

NW1 (Rooms 260-275): 0

NW2 (Rooms 290-299): 0


Testing Positive Within Last 24 Hours: 0

Testing Positive Within Last 72 Hours: 4

 Testing Positive Within Last 14 Days:  7

Updates will be made in the event statistics change.   

Letter from Anne

February 20, 2024

Dear families,

I wanted to get you up to speed on some changes coming with Medicaid.  If your family member is on Medicaid or ready to get on Medicaid in the next year you will need to pay attention.  The State of Indiana has chosen to go with a Managed Medicaid system for people 60 years of age or older.  It’s called Indiana PathWays.  The State has chosen three insurance companies to pick from to pay for nursing home care.  These insurance companies are Anthem, Humana, and United Healthcare.  This change is supposed to be implemented on July 1, 2024 to coordinate with the State of Indiana’s new fiscal year.

The resident and/or family will need to select one of the three insurance companies.  Per the website, open enrollment will begin roughly 60 days before the go live date of July 1, 2024.    All three plans have the same basic components, the add-ons are different between the plans.  I would encourage you to review the plans on the website.

There is a company called “Maximus that will be sending notices through the mail to each eligible member currently served through Indiana Medicaid about the transition to PathWays.  Maximus will also call members and mail copies of the notices to authorized representatives.  It is anticipated that Indiana FSSA will be conducting member engagement across Indiana in the month of March.  If the member has a designated health care representative or a court appointed power of attorney or guardian, the selection decisions are made by these individuals.”

One of the Indiana’s goals is to align the Managed Medicaid plan with a Managed Medicare plan.  The goal is to streamline an individual’s insurance.  From what we have learned, it is not required to have the same Managed Medicaid and Managed Medicare plan.  The member/resident still has choice.  I would just ask that you read the fine print and not accidentally sign up for a Managed Medicare plan when you really want to stick with traditional Medicare. 

Healthwin isn’t allowed to make the decision for you.  I would encourage you to spend some time on the website to get a better understanding as to what will happen on July 1st and beyond.   Healthwin has been told that if you do not select an insurance company, the State of Indiana will sign the resident up and pick one so there is no drop of services/enrollment.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me.  My extension is 215.  If I can answer the question, I will.  If not, I will try to find out the answer.  Also, if you find out something interesting or important for us to know, please don’t hesitate to share it.  We will all be experiencing the change together.

Enjoy the sunshine!

Anne Knouse, Administrator

Extension 215

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